Chicken/Turkey Stock

I love chicken stock! I started making it regularly in Italia. The canned stuff is something I cannot imagine ever buying again. We always have homemade, or rather shop made, stock available for you, usually fresh and sometimes frozen. We also make it with turkey or whatever other bird we have around ;-) I promise you'll never use canned or bullion again.
Chicken Broth ($7.99)
PURCHASETurkey Broth ($7.99)

Bone broth can give any dish a richness unmatched. Bone broth is rich in minerals that support the immune system and many utilize it for its health benefits because it contains compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline. For example, some believe that the collagen in bone broth heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation. Regardless of its health benefits, using bone broth in place of water adds a body and richness to any meal. We use the freshest bones, first roasting them, then simmering slowly for not less than 36 hours.
Beef Bone Broth ($8.49)
PURCHASERich Bone Broth (Beef and Pork) ($7.99)
PURCHASERamen Broth (Pork and Chicken) ($8.49)

Leaf Lard (from pork) and Suet (from beef) are rendered respectively into lard and tallow. Lard is most often used in baking pastry and has recently regained popularity due to recent studies showing that hydrogenated fats (vegetable lard or margarine) are unhealthy. Its lesser known counterpart, tallow, was burned for lighting or used to make soap in old times and in modern times was used for frying the "World's Famous Fries". We have leaf lard and suet for you to transform on your own, as well as rendered lard and tallow for baking, cooking or homesteading.
Call us or come to the Butcheria to purchase!